Mount Vernon Genealogical Society - Founded 1991
Founded 1991

1500 Shenandoah Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22308

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer organizations cannot operate without the help of volunteers. Our society has several opportunities for members to help make our Society even better.  If you can only donate an hour a month, your time would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers help to keep our operation cost and membership rates down.
ONE TIME Assistance will be greatly appreciated - hospitality, meeting set-up/close-down, ZOOM host, etc.
Please consider volunteering today and contact us to let us know how you would like to help.
To volunteer send an email to: Contact Us.
Board of Directors​
The Board of Directors meet once a month on the 2nd Friday of each month in the MVGS Research Room at Hollin Hall. Board of Director positions are elected and administer and manage the business affairs of the Society and are responsible for establishing policies and furthering Society's purposes. Elections are held at the November general meeting.
  • President - Provides leadership of the Society and the Board of Directors to ensure the purposes and vision of the Society are achieved.
  • 1st Vice President, Programs - Works in coordination with committees, programs and events. Duties include arrangments for quest speakers for genearl meetings.​
  • 2nd Vice President, Membership - Responsible for maintaining records of all active duty members. Responsible for hostpitality, to include greeting, recording attendance, refreshments and assisting newcomers.
  • Secretary - Responsible for taking and preparing the minutes of the Board of Directors' meetings and the Society's meetings. Maintains permanment percords and current inventory of the Society's property.
  • Treasurer - Collects all Society's dues and other money's received by the Society, desposits and account records.
MVGS Research Library
Our Research Library offers members the use of computers with acccess to various subscription bases programs and thousands of books covering all aspects of genealogy. Volunteers in the Research Library assist with locating books, periodicals and help with genealogy websites. The Library is open on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm.  On the 3rd Tuesday of the month it closes at Noon for our monthly general meetings.
Other Opportunities

Set-up/Clean up at our general monthly meetings 
  • Set-up comes in 30 minutes early to help set up chairs and a couple tables for Membership, Training & Education & Hospitality.
  • Help hospitality set up snack table for the end of the meeting social time.
  • Help to make sure members put away chairs, take down tables, sweep floor and make sure everything is cleaned up. 
Bring snack for general meeting
  • ​Bring a snack for the end of the meeting social time at the general meeting. 
  • You don't need to sign up or notify anyone to bring snacks. Bring item to hospitality table when you arrive at the general meeting. 
  • Take photographs at general meetings and special events for the newsletter and MVGS website.
  • Assist in taking video presentations of the Society's monthly meetings.
  • Assist newsletter collator by reviewing upcoming articles and newsletter format - always need new ideas.
  • Write artcles or find individuals with stories that can be published in our bi-monthly newsletter.
  • Interview new members and write a summary of their ancestral interests for the newsletter.
  • If you have an idea for a class that you would like to teach or an idea for a topic you would like to learn more about, please let us know. We are always interested to know what our members would like to learn more about. 
Join a committee
  • Annual Conference Committee 
  • Writing Contest Committee 
  • Hospitality Committee
Staff MVGS booth at events
  • One way that the society gains new members for our society is to have booths at various events.  We need volunteers to be at the table to inform conference attendees about  our society.
Lead a Special Interest Group 
  • We are always interested in hearing members ideas for new SIG Groups.