Mount Vernon Genealogical Society - Founded 1991
Founded 1991

1500 Shenandoah Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22308

Membership Information and Benefits


The Mount Vernon Genealogical Society (MVGS) was established to encourage the affiliation of persons interested in pursuing their ancestral heritage.  This is accomplished through education, information sharing and access to our Research Library.  The Society and its Research Library are located in the Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500 Shenandoah Road, Alexandria, Virginia.
MVGS provides monthly programs with national and regionally prominent speakers, a research library with numerous genealogical publications and computer access to popular databases, education classes, a website, a bi-monthly newsletter, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Being part of a society helps you become a better genealogist no matter where your ancestors lived.  MVGS isn’t solely focused on researching Virginia; we just happen to live here.  By joining, you can connect with others who are passionate about researching their ancestors.  You can be connected to a network that keeps you informed of the latest products, news, and educational opportunities locally and nationwide.  Our meetings provide members with an opportunity to network with other genealogists, share research findings and access genealogical assistance.  It is also an opportunity to make lasting friendships with others.
As you gain a specialized skill, MVGS provides you with numerous avenues to share this skill with the membership by writing an article for the newsletter, volunteering in the research library or presenting a class or monthly lecture.
Join Today!
Individual Rate: $30.00
Family Rate: $35.00
Lifetime & Organizational Memberships Also Available
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Membership Cost:
Effective dues-year 2024, all of these benefits are available to our members for $30 for an individual and $35 for a family. A big benefit for a small amount. The membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.  We do not pro-rate the membership fee based on when during the calendar year you join – however, if you join MVGS between 1 October and 31 December, your membership lasts through 31 December of the following calendar year. If you join before 1 October, your membership only runs through the end of that calendar year. 
Monthly Meetings:
MVGS meets at the Hollin Hall Senior Center from 1:00 to 3:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month.  Access to the Center, which is operated by Fairfax County, is open, free of charge to all individuals who attend an MVGS event.  Except for December, monthly meetings always feature a speaker presenting a genealogical or historical topic.  Recent presentations have included topics on DNA, methodology, case studies, immigration, data base updates, African American research and historical events to name a few.  A social is provided after the presentation with refreshments provided by volunteers.  As a member, you have access to a recording of the presentation and any related handouts available on the members-only portion of the website.
Research Library:
The Research Library is normally open Tuesday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  It contains over 2,700 books and periodicals covering a range of locations and topics of interest to genealogists.  There are computers with access to a number of genealogical databases.  An online, searchable catalogue of holdings may be found on our website or available in the center.
Also, the Mount Vernon Genealogical Society’s Research Library is now officially a Family History Affiliate Library.   This means that researchers using the computers in our Research Library will now be able to view those digitized images on that previously they could only view at a Family History Center, or other Affiliate Library.  Those images were the ones in the search results that had a camera with a key over it.
Genealogy Classes:
Training and Education classes are provided by our members to assist other members with their research.   All of the classes are held at the Hollin Hall Senior Center during weekdays.  Recent classes included topics such as entering info using, how to organize and manage your research, accessing early church records and small group research help.  Members can sign up on-line for classes.
On alternate months, you will receive an electronic bulletin of upcoming genealogical events throughout Fairfax County and beyond.
The MVGS website,, contains the latest information on upcoming events including monthly presentations, SIG meetings and training classes. There is also information about l other local repositories and a link to National Archives Research Guides.  The “Members Only” section contains the newsletter, access to previous presentations, program handouts, a membership roster and link to the surname project database.
Special Interest Groups:
Special Interest Groups are established when a group of members with similar interests get together.  Our members currently have access to SIGS on Virginia and African American Genealogy.  Each group usually meets monthly for two hours where a member of the SIG makes a presentation.  Meetings are held at various locations in the area, depending on the topic.