Mount Vernon Genealogical Society - Founded 1991
Founded 1991

1500 Shenandoah Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22308
Getting Started on Your Family History - Slides

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Getting Started on Your Family History - Slides
Posted: 04/30/2023 - 2:47 pm
File Attachment: 1682880434_Slides_for_Getting_Started_on_your_Family_History.pdf
These slides are a presentation on how to start your family history research.  There is a separate entry for a handout that goes along with these slides.  The handout provides additional information and links that aren't included in the slides.
The slides cover the steps to take in your research, where you can do your research, online and in repositories, and provides many examples of where you can do that. It contains hints on what TO do, and what NOT to do.  It ends with a brief section on the role social media can play in your research, as well as what technology tools are available to help you with your research, and documenting it.