Founded 1991
1500 Shenandoah Road Alexandria, Virginia 22308 |
Officer Duties
PRESIDENT - CAROL CAMPBELL shall provide leadership of the Society and the Board of Directors to ensure the purposes and vision of the Society are achieved. The President or designee shall be the official spokesman of the Society, and shall preside at all meetings of the Society and the Board of Directors. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - SUSAN JETER shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of, or at the request of the President and shall serve as the President until the next regular election of officers, should that office become vacant. The Vice President shall work in coordination with other affected committees, programs and events. Duties may include making arrangements for guest speakers, rooms and equipment. The Vice President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT - JAN NIEHOFF shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President, Programs, and shall serve until the next regular election of officers, should the office of the President and the 1st Vice President, Programs become concurrently vacant. The 2nd Vice President, Membership is responsible for maintaining records of all active members and preparing rosters and membership materials for distribution. In addition, for membership meetings, the 2nd Vice President, Membership shall be responsible for hospitality, to include greeting, recording of attendance, refreshments, and assisting newcomers with applications for membership.
SECRETARY - JANICE REID shall be responsible for taking and preparing the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings and the Society’s meetings and shall maintain other permanent records and a current inventory of the property of the Society. This current inventory shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval during the first quarter of the fiscal year. The Secretary shall preside at Society meetings in the absence of the President and both Vice Presidents.
TREASURER - JEFF WELCH shall collect all Society dues and other moneys received by the Society, and shall deposit all Society moneys in the name of, and to the credit of, the Society in such financial institution(s) as the Board of Directors may designate. The Treasurer shall maintain appropriate accounting records. The Treasurer shall develop and maintain standard procedures to disburse and keep an accounting of all moneys of the Society, within the bounds of an approved annual budget, and shall submit a statement of accounts to the Board of Directors at each meeting of the Board and at such other times as the Board shall specify. The Treasurer shall have custody of the financial records of the Society and shall make them available for fiscal analysis and audit. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial statement for the Society. The Treasurer shall comply with applicable state, and federal regulations and generally accepted accounting standards for nonprofit organizations. The Treasurer shall provide financial data for the preparation of the annual budget in sufficient time to be approved prior to the start of the fiscal year.
statesperson" within the Society. She may assist the President/Board as requested with duties and matters pertaining to the group, and will be available for assistance and counsel on MVGS business.