Actions |
Call Number |
Title  |
Author |
F187.B2 B3 |
Abstracts of the Baltimore County Land Commissions 1727-1762 |
Baltimore County Genealogical Society |
F262.R8.L56 |
Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina |
Linn, Jo White |
F262.G85.D38 |
Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina 1846-1863 |
Davis-Long, Trudie (Compiler); Gwynn, Zae Hargett (Abstractor) |
F232.L8.K56 |
Abstracts of Will, Inventories, and Administration Accounts of Loudoun County, Virginia, 1757-1800 With Miscellaneous Data & a New Index by Elizabeth Petty Bentley |
King, J. Estelle Stewart |
F232.F2.K56 |
Abstracts of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1742-1801 With Rent Rolls for 1761-1774 |
King, J. Estelle Stewart |
F232.F2.K56 |
Abstracts of Wills and Inventories, Fairfax County, Virginia, 1742-1801; with Rent Rolls for 1761 and 1774 |
King, J. Estelle Stewart King |
F232.F3.K56 |
Abstracts of Wills, Administrations and Marriages of Fauquier County, Virginia 1759-1800: With Cemetery Inscriptions, Rent Rolls, and Other Data |
King, J. Estelle Stewart |
CS71.H885.H83 |
Acadian and Cajun Genealogy: Index of Individuals Included in the Juliette Prejean Hudson and Charles Kenneth Hudson Genealogy Files |
Hudson, Charles K.; Hudson, Juliette |
F232.A2 M35, Volume 1 |
Accomack County, Virginia Court Order Abstracts 1663-1666, Volume 1 |
JoAnn Riley McKey |
F232.A2 M35 Volume 11 |
Accomack County, Virginia Court Order Abstracts 1710-1714, Volume 11 |
JoAnn Riley McKey |
F232.A2 M35 Vol 14 |
Accomack County, Virginia Court Order Abstracts 1719-1724, Volume 14 |
JoAnn Riley McKey |
F232.A2.N683 |
Accomack Land Causes, 1728-1825 |
Nottingham, Stratton |
CS611.T46 |
Address Book for Germanic Genealogy |
Thode, Ernest |
CS65.5.A36.R55 |
Adoption Searchbook |
Rillera, Mary Jo |
CS16.M686 |
Advanced Genealogy Research Techniques |
Morgan, George G.; Smith, Drew |
F229.A38 |
Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1625 Edited by Annie Lash Jester |
CS16.W37 |
Adventures in Genealogy |
Wardell, Patrick G. |
CS67.N383.T39 |
Aerial Photographs in the National Archives |
Taylor, Charles E. (Compiler); Spurr, Richard E. (Compiler) |
F234.A3.B34 |
African Americans of Alexandria, Virginia |
Bah, Char McCargo |
F134.A34.W75 |
Afro-Americans in New Jersey: A Short History |
Wright, Giles R. (Author) |
CS65.5.C46.S749 |
Age Search Information |
Stewart, Christine L. |
F160.G3.B87 |
Aids For Pennsylvania Genealogical Research |
Burgert, Annette K. |
F328.6.E28 |
Alabama 1820 Census Returns |
Eaves, Edna Brown (Compiler) |
F328.6.P67 |
Alabama 1840 Census Index: Vol. 1, the Counties Formed From the Creek and Cherokee Cessions of the 1830s |
Posey, Betty Sue Drake (Author Custom 2) |
F332.C25.G74 |
Alabama 1850 Agricultural and Manufacturing Census: for Jackson, Jefferson, Lawrence, Limestone,Lowndes, Macon, Madison, and Marengo Counties. Vol. ll |
Green, Linda L. |
F328.6.J333 |
Alabama 1855 Census Index |
Jackson, Ronald Vern (Editor) |
F328.6.A434 |
Alabama Census Returns 1820, and an Abstract of Federal Census of Alabama, 1830 |
Owen, Marie Bankhead (Editor) |
F328.6.A43 |
Alabama Early Settlers: 1816 Census Alabama Counties (Mississippi Territory) |
F325.E54 |
Alabama Notes |
England, Flora D. |
F332.B6.G36 |
Alabama Records: Volume 204, Blount County |
Gandrud, Pauline Jones (Compiler) |
F232.A3.M66 |
Albemarle, Jefferson's County, 1727-1976 |
Moore, John Hammond |
CS65.5.E46.F57 |
Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America |
Fischer, David Hackett |
F232.A4 |
Alexandria & Alexandria (Arlington) County Virginia Minister Returns & Marriage Bonds -- 1801-1852 |
Miller, T. Michael (Transcriber) |
F234.A3.M336 |
Alexandria, A Towne in Transition, 1800-1900 |
Macoll, John D. (Editor); Stansfield, George J. (Editor) |
F234.A3.A44 |
Alexandria, U.S.A., Yesterdays Remembered |
F234.A3.M806 |
Alexandria, Virginia: Alexandria Hustings Court Deeds 1797-1801 |
Munson, James D. (Compiler) |
F532.A4 R5 |
Allen County Indiana Marriages 1824-1847 |
Colleen Alice Ridlen, compiler |
CS71.A43.S42 |
Allen Family Records |
Seaver, J. Montgomery (Compiler) |
CS71.A45.A45 |
Allison Family History |
F292.H3.A44 |
Ambiguous Lives: Free Women of Color in Rural Georgia, 1789-1879 |
Alexander, Adele Logan |
CS66.I536.M39 |
America's Fascinating Indian Heritage |
Maxwell, James (Editor) |
CS66.W66.N45 |
America's Immigrant Women: Their Contribution to the Development of a Nation from 1609 to the Present |
Neidle, Cecyle S. |
F234.J3.H38 |
America's Oldest Legislative Assembly & Its Jamestown Statehouses |
Hatch, Charles E. |
CS66.P63.W98 |
America's Polish Heritage: A Social History of the Poles In America |
Wytrwal, Joseph Anthony |
CS66.W66.G78 Vols. 1-3 |
America's Women in the Revolutionary Era 1760-1790: A History Through Bibliography: Vol. 1--Subjects, Part 1; Vol. 2--Subjects, Part 2; Vol. 3--Authors and Chronology |
Grundset, Eric |
American Ancestors Magazine |
New England Historic Genealogical Society |
CS66.B7.S44 |
American Colonists in English Records: A Guide to Direct References in Authentic Records, Passenger Lists not in "Hotten", etc. |
Sherwood, George |
CS475.C66.D63 |
American Data from the Records of the High Court of the Admiralty of Scotland, 1675-1800 |
Dobson, David |
CS65.5.M37.S25 |
American Expansion : A Book of Maps |
Sale, Randall D.; Karn, Edwin D. |
CS67 .D375 G78 |
American Genealogical Research at the DAR |
Eric G Grundset and Steven B Rhodes |